Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rebuild Haiti and Your Career with Shameless You!

I usually don't talk much about our Shameless You! personal development program on the TsuluViews blog, but the current situation both at home and in Haiti demands that I do something. As I see what's happening in the current job market and with the tremendous suffering in Haiti, I realize that it's tough to have confidence when you don't have the basic tools needed for survival.

To help our unemployed and underemployed thrive at home, and to help the people of Haiti, I am donating a portion of all Shameless You! product sales to the American Red Cross.

For each order of our popular Shameless Self Promotion Audio CD and Workbook combination, we will send $5 to the American Red Cross. If you order the products separately, we will donate $2 for each Workbook or Audio CD purchase.

And shipping on all three options is free.

Just place your order by 2/1/2010, and you can:
  • Toot your own horn with confidence and integrity.
  • Overcome intimidation in your personal and professional life.
  • Craft an elevator pitch so that employers and clients get it.
  • Rebuild your career with actionable tools.
  • Help the people of Haiti get the resources they need to rebuild their lives.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to rebuild both at home and abroad.

Order now at

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