Thursday, May 14, 2009

Worth Beyond Wealth: Importance of Values for Organizations

Over and over, I am hearing great leaders talk about values. Rita Ryder, Patty Stoneseifer, and Phyllis Campbell all referenced the importance of values in determining the direction of your personal and professional lives. Whether you're determining how to live, give, work, or play, always remain true to your values.

Values are part of the foundation for a solid business strategy. A complete strategy includes a vision, mission, values, and a position. When equipped with these four things, you're quickly on your way to creating a business with worth that extends beyond wealth.

Here are four questions to start your thinking about your business values:
  1. What key characteristics are important for us to be able to deliver outstanding results for our clients?
  2. What ideas and beliefs do we hold as special or sacred?
  3. What standards have we set for conduct and behaviors in our group?
  4. What "normal" actions, characteristics, behaviors, and conduct would be intolerable in our culture and violate our principles?
Good businesses thrive because of their values. Values are strong desires that lead to results-generating actions. If you know what actions you should take (mission) to achieve your ideal state of being (vision), your values will be clear.

Are all of your stakeholders living your company's values? If not, now might be a good time to tap into the abundant talent that is looking for a thriving company with strong values.

If you need help communicating or defining your values, ask me how The Strategy String can generate worth beyond wealth in all areas of your organization.

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